Adapterra is a climate tech project development consultancy, active in the UK and Greece.

It was Thursday, June 23rd, 1988 when James Hansen, then Head of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies testified in front of US Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. The American public heard for the first time that "the greenhouse effect has been detected and it is changing our climate now...”

More than three decades later global temperatures have already risen by 1.1C since the pre-industrial era. Climate tipping points once considered absurd to even ponder are fast becoming a very real threat to our entire ecosystem. It is apparent that despite the progress made since the early 2000’s, climate tech projects must now rapidly scale in size and numbers.  

At Adapterra we believe that practical advice, a willingness to share risk and an intense focus on problem solving can accelerate project development, delivering quality outcomes faster.

Industries served


  • Business Model Innovation, Market Analysis, Sales Planning, Decarbonisation Options

  • Country/Market Research, Prospecting, Due Diligence, Stakeholder Engagement

  • Permitting/Licencing, Procurement, Commercial Negotiation, Energy Systems Modelling

  • Partnerships, Bid Management, Proposition Development